Hope for Humanity: SOURCE – It’s Within You

Hope for Humanity:

SOURCE – It’s Within You

Dr Joe Dispenza | 16 July 2024

Last month, we celebrated the global release of SOURCE – It’s Within You. The film documents the important work being done in and on this community, and the groundbreaking studies led by the dedicated team of research scientists. I shared a little background on it – along with the trailer – when we were getting ready for its world premiere. You can read and watch in this post from late March.

We estimate at least 500,000 people tuned in to watch SOURCE the weekend of its global release – though the actual number is likely far greater, based on feedback we received from community members around the world. Here’s some of what they had to say:

“This documentary has strengthened my focus, resolve, and passion. This will and IS changing the world.”

“This documentary is truth and science at its best! ... The data is compelling, the testimonials miraculous. The world needs to see this!” 

“This film should be seen by as many people as possible.” 

“So grateful that finally science is proving all I thought was true about our power and human healing. Now people can’t say, ‘Bring the evidence.’” 

“I have meditated, attended a Dr Joe event, provided healing, seen changes, and listened to the science. It wasn’t until watching SOURCE that it all clicked.” 

“I cried happy tears for all the humans that experienced healing in the movie. I could feel their love and joy. This is the kind of movie that needs to be played in schools, to teach the young that the power is within, always.”

As I’ve shared before, SOURCE was a true labor of love – more than two years in the making. It’s been so gratifying to see it reach so many people in such a meaningful way.

Since its release, many of you have contacted my team with a number of questions – some about the work itself; others concerned that you may have missed the opportunity to see the film. And still others want to know what’s next for the research – and when we’ll share more of our story with the world.

How and Where to Watch SOURCE – It’s Within You

First things first: It’s not too late to see SOURCE. If you go to sourcethefilm.org, you’ll find a number of ways you can gain temporary or permanent access to the film. You also can stay connected with InnerScience Research Fund, the nonprofit we work with that (as the name suggests) funds some of the scientific research.

Depending on the level of your interest or involvement, you can watch the film for 48 hours – or on demand without limit. You also can access a series of thank-you gifts and bundles that offer gift cards and bonus, previously unreleased footage featuring the scientists and experts interviewed in the film – including me.

All of the proceeds from the documentary go to InnerScience Research Fund. With any contribution to InnerScience, 100 percent of your donation goes toward supporting ongoing research studies. So, if SOURCE inspired you, and you want to further this important work, there’s no better way to do it.

Your Questions Answered

It’s hard to know exactly how many people have watched SOURCE in the weeks since its release – we’ve seen your photos of watch parties of 30 or 50 people – but we think the number is far greater than half a million by now. When that many people tune in to learn about the work, our community is going to grow fast – and a lot of you are discovering this information for the first time. I’ve been moved by the thoughtful questions that have come to us in recent weeks. Here are just some of them:

  • Where can I read the studies mentioned in SOURCE?
  • SOURCE inspired me to begin the work. Where do I start?
  • Where can I find more testimonials?
  • Where can I learn more about heart-brain coherence?
  • What are the four types of meditation?

Our excellent Customer Service Team has been compiling these questions and adding them to a comprehensive SOURCE FAQ area of our website. I also encourage you to read through my former blog posts – which cover fundamental aspects of the work in detail. On the Dr Joe's Blog landing page, my team has created tags for the most common search terms – or you can enter your own.

Another great resource is Dr Joe Live – monthly conversations between me and community members. Sometimes it’s part-lecture; part Q&A; other times we devote the entire conversation to questions asked and answered live. I also invite special guests to interview them about research studies and findings, offer testimonials, or share their experience with the work.

Our next Dr Joe Live is coming up on August 1, and I’m going to be talking with Peta Stapleton, PhD, our Australian research partner from Bond University who just published a paper with me on the effects of meditation on children’s behavior and emotions. So, that conversation will be sure to satisfy those of you who are eager to learn more about ongoing research – and, more importantly, the positive effects of meditation on children as young as 4 years old.

And for those of you who want to dive right in, my team has created a special area of our website just for beginners. “Where should I begin?” is perhaps the question we’ve heard most since SOURCE was introduced to the world – and it’s an important question, because it means you’re ready to take those first steps toward change. I think you’ll find the tools you need there to get started – but if you have more questions after availing yourself of those resources, my Customer Service Team is ready to help.

Next Steps for Research – and Telling Our Story

The only downside – if you can call it that – to the profound impact of SOURCE – It’s Within You is the time it took to bring it to the world. During the two years the film was in production, the research team was constantly on the move – and we’ve discovered even more amazing outcomes.

The list of what we’re working on is growing all the time, and includes ...

  • The published effects of advanced meditators’ natural resistance to the COVID-19 virus
  • Stunning research discoveries on the effects of meditation on cancer, Alzheimer’s disease, and autism spectrum disorder
  • Gene expression changes in novice and advanced meditators
  • Highly significant positive microbiome changes
  • The healing effects of breast milk
  • Endogenous opiate secretion
  • Neurogenesis
  • Great impacts on PTSD
  • The power of intention’s direct influence on gene expression and protein regulation
  • Measured changes in cellular mitochondrial function, neurotransmitters, telomere length, and variations in bioactive cellular metabolic particles
  • Speech analysis to better understand the language of transformation and transcendental experiences
  • Studies on twins and other closely bonded pairs (combining elders with youth)
  • The use of random-event generators to measure changes in collective consciousness
  • The biological effects of in-person and Remote Coherence Healing sessions
  • The effects of meditation on children in schools (as mentioned above), veterans – including U.S. Navy SEALs, inmates at prisons in the U.S. and Mexico, and indigenous tribes in the U.S.

... and that’s not all. Truly, the possibilities for areas of study and potential impacts are endless. Since the release of SOURCE, we’ve been contacted by many doctors, academics, other researchers, and countless community members who want to know how they can contribute – and how we can not only advance this research, but also share our newest findings with the world.

The answers to these questions are unfolding as I write this post. For now, what I can say is: we’ll let you know what we know – when we know it. In the meantime, you can check out the latest news about our studies and publications on our website’s Scientific Research pages.

And, if you want to support this groundbreaking, life-changing research, the best thing you can do is go to sourcethefilm.org. Donate to InnerScience Research Fund. And share this important film with your friends, family, colleagues, and loved ones – so this work continues to reach the people who need it most.

SOURCE is our effort to demonstrate hope for humanity. Thank you so much for giving this film such a resounding, loving response. And, if you’re eager for another opportunity to gather and watch in community, our global team is working on translations of the film in 15 languages. We’ll offer another streaming weekend when those versions are available in September. Stay tuned.


You heard it from Dr Joe: to donate to InnerScience Research Fund and watch SOURCE – It’s Within You, visit sourcethefilm.org.

To become a member of Dr Joe Live, visit the Dr Joe Live pages on our website. With your subscription, you gain access to all past conversations – dating to October 2020. Our next conversation is August 1, 2024, featuring special guest and research partner Dr Peta Stapleton, PhD.

New to the work? Begin your journey here.

