Walk Into a New World: Introducing the ‘Changing Boxes’ Walking Meditation

Walk Into a New World:

Introducing the ‘Changing Boxes’ Walking Meditation

Dr Joe Dispenza | 13 August 2024

Last week, my team and I released the “Changing Boxes” Walking Meditation – a powerful new creation that combines two fundamental practices in this work.

Many of you are familiar with one or the other; if you’ve been to a Week Long Advanced Retreat, you’ve done each separately during the course of those seven days. Over the past few months, we’ve been combining them at our Advanced Follow Up Retreats – allowing advanced students to understand even more what it feels like to move their attention and energy into a changed reality.

As I’ve watched people walking in the energy of their “new box” at those retreats, I realized how important it is to share this with everyone in our community – and the world. It’s really the perfect method to evolve from changing your energy while seated in your meditations to practicing with your eyes open; teaching your body what it feels like to consciously and intentionally stand and walk in the energy of your new future.

If you’re just starting out and want to understand both practices better, I’ll link to some resources at the end of this post. In the meantime, I’ve decided to do something unusual – which is to share an edited version of the introduction for the new meditation below. Consider it a sneak preview of what you’ll hear when you listen to the intro before practicing. I think it covers all of the “what” and the “why” of the “Changing Boxes” Walking Meditation – so the “how” becomes easier. I hope you enjoy it.

The ‘Changing Boxes’ Walking Meditation – Introduction

Challenges as Catalysts for Change

We’re all faced with great opportunities brilliantly disguised as impossible situations. In nature, no organism evolves unless it’s challenged. It’s the challenge in the environment the organism must overcome to evolve – and that change is then reflected in its biology and gene expression. And genes make proteins. So, whether it’s thicker fur to overcome cold, or longer legs, or greater fast-twitch fibers to outrun predators, the challenge causes the organism to adapt and evolve.

The same goes for humans. We have challenges in our environment – with certain people and certain places; certain objects and things at certain times – that we must overcome. So, in order to change, you have to be challenged. The challenges in your life – whether you like it or not – are there to help you change and evolve.

Are You Contributing to Change? Or to Staying the Same?

Now, if you meet those challenges from the same level of consciousness or level of mind (through the memories you have related to that problem or challenge), and you respond emotionally (emotions are the end-product of past experiences; “energy in motion”) in the same way, then you’re living by the same energy every day; the same level of consciousness – because you’re responding to the same people or problems or conditions in the same way.

And if you’re at the same level of consciousness that created the problem – because you’re at the same level of energy – and you’re seeing or reacting to that problem by thinking and feeling the same way, then you’re seeing that challenge or problem through the lens of the past. That’s the known. Therefore, to change that problem or challenge in your life, you would have to move to a greater level of consciousness than the consciousness – or unconsciousness – that created the problem in the first place.

So, if you’re viewing that challenge or problem from the known, that problem should stay the same – because you’re staying the same. And the stronger the emotion you feel toward that challenge – to that person or problem – the more you give that condition your attention. And where you place your attention is where you place your energy.

You could be giving your power to change away to that person; that circumstance; that challenge … and, in a sense, you could be one of the reasons why that problem isn't changing. Because you’re not changing. And it’s your same energy that’s holding that problem in the same place at the same time.

When that happens – when that problem or circumstance is staying the same – most of us then try to address it matter-to-matter. We force; we control; we predict; we compete; we work harder; we fight harder; we manipulate. We think of every single avenue to initiate change, but that problem never changes.

The Quantum Field: Infinite Potential Realities

Now, let’s take a step into theoretical physics. It’s said there are an infinite number of potential realities in the quantum field. Those infinite dimensions that simultaneously exist; that are seamlessly connected to each other; continuously changing, expanding, and interacting ... exist in that invisible field of energy beyond our understanding of space and time. They exist beyond our senses.

So, the question is: is it possible to move out of our present dimension in space-time into another dimension in space-time; another reality that looks just like the reality we’re currently living in – except there’s something different?

In other words, all the people in your life ... the places you go ... the objects and things you recognize ... appear exactly the same. But in that alternate reality, the challenge – that situation; the adversity; the problem – no longer exists.

Theoretically, it’s possible. But it means you would have to take your awareness off everything physical and material. You would have to move beyond this space and time and enter that invisible field of possibilities to become conscious or aware of a reality where that challenge no longer exists. And you would have to take all your attention off your body; off the people in your life; the objects and things and places that are known to you; even your experience of linear time where there is a familiar past and a predictable future.

Becoming Pure Consciousness

In this work, we say that entering the quantum field is like passing through the “eye of the needle.” To do that, you have to become pure consciousness. You become no body; no one; no thing; no where; in no time. That means disinvesting all your attention – and where you place your attention is where you place your energy – out of this three-dimensional reality where that problem exists. And that is the moment you are conscious of nothing but you. You – as pure consciousness. In this moment, the only thing you’re aware of is – nothing.

In theoretical physics, that void is pure consciousness; a place where infinite possibilities exist in immaterial, non-tangible, unmanifest, non-physical form. This realm of nothing is rich in energy and frequency. In this realm of pure thought, everything is connected – and every thought has a frequency. In other words, when you become conscious of a new possibility where the challenge no longer exists, your change in consciousness produces a change in energy.

So, if you could move to that unifying field – a field responsible for everything physical and material; connected to everything physical and material – and you could become aware or conscious of a reality where that problem no longer exists, the thought of that possibility should produce the frequency of literally being in that reality.

In other words, in the quantum, the moment you become aware there’s a different possible reality, you’re changing your consciousness. And you can’t have consciousness without energy. So, the thought of a problem produces the feeling of lack of not having it in 3D space-time reality – for example, the thought of abundance actually produces the feeling of lack for many people. And the thought of possibility, then, would produce the feeling or the frequency of gratitude; of freedom; of relief; of joy; of liberation. You’d be feeling the feelings of a different consciousness than the one that created the problem in the first place.

I always use the example of being in a room – say, a dressing room – where there are two mirrors mounted on opposite walls. When you look in one mirror facing the other, you see an infinite number of rooms – or boxes, or realities – in which you simultaneously exist. If you wave to your reflection, you’ll see an infinite number of “you” in those other dimensions or boxes. That’s the exact idea of how you move from one reality into another in the quantum.

Choosing a Future Before It Happens

If you become aware or conscious of that other reality – or box – and feel the frequency of the thought or energy of that change in consciousness, you could literally appear in a whole different dimension; one that looks exactly like the one you just left. You could literally bring that reality into life with your awareness of it and feel the feeling that’s connected to that frequency … the joy; the liberation; the gratitude; the relief. And now, you’re changing your consciousness – and changing your energy.

The stronger the emotion; the greater the energy; the more you’re investing your energy into that new dimension. And if where you place your attention is where you place your energy, then your attention and energy is now in that potential new reality. In other words, you’re choosing a future before it happens – and feeling the emotions of that new future would place you in that realm now.

Now, once you’ve invested your attention and energy into that new future, and felt the feelings of it before it happened, what if you were to open your eyes and remember you’re in a new reality – just like you moved from one of those boxes into another box; into another room? What if you were to continue the experiment and practice with your eyes open; walking as if you were literally there?

Marking Your Energy Into a New Reality

With the “Changing Boxes” Walking Meditation, you practice transitioning from feeling the feelings of that new future – that new box; that new reality – with your eyes closed to walking in the energy of that new future with your eyes open. You invest your attention and energy in a reality that looks in so many ways like the one you just left. But the experiment is, something should be different.

And if you’re conscious and awake in this new world, then you’re marking your energy into this reality. And wherever you place your attention and energy, your body should literally follow your mind into that reality. In other words, your body always follows your mind. It follows your energy.

That should mean that something new in your life – a coincidence; a synchronicity; an opportunity – should be a signal that you moved even just one box; one reality; away from the current reality you were in before you started this meditation. Now, walking with your eyes open is embodying the energy of that reality. You have to make up your mind that you're in that reality and walking as if the challenge or problem no longer exists.

When you “walk as it” in the consciousness or awareness of a different energy ... when you walk in that reality and invest your attention and energy as if you were there, with your eyes open ... and you keep doing it, then you should begin to see changes in your life as a result of your efforts. You’ll feel all of those feelings of living in that alternative reality with your heart – and draw your body to you.


Walk Into a New World: Purchase the new “Changing Boxes” Walking Meditation here.

To learn more about these essential practices, visit the Meditations pages on our website – and check out the other meditations in the Changing Boxes and Walking Meditations collections. You also can search for more writing on these topics under Dr Joe’s Blog.


