He Embraced Gratitude and Beat Autoimmune Disease

“I feel like I got my life back, and yet it's a different life … I'd never go back to the way it was before. Absolutely not. This is an amazing way to live – total life experience – and I am grateful.”

At first, Frank didn’t feel any need to change. He had a good life with a thriving consulting practice. That is until an “incurable” autoimmune disease left him bedridden for 23 hours a day. Within a year, he tried to take his own life – but he survived. “Twenty people holding a vigil in the hospital overnight and whatever is out there in the universe all collaborated against that idea,” he says. “I lived, and I decided I was going to find a way to live.”

Then Frank discovered Dr Joe’s work and immersed himself completely. He watched videos, read Dr Joe’s books, and consistently practiced as many meditations as he could. His unwavering commitment finally led to a realization – for his body to heal, his thoughts and emotions first had to change.

Rather than see himself as sick, Frank shed the old victim mentality. He opened his heart to the love and caring of community. And he embraced a feeling of gratitude for everything in his life, setting him on the path to healing. Just a year later, Frank was already making plans to hike across the mountains of Spain.

Recorded at the San Diego Week Advanced Follow Up Retreat in March 2024