Surrendering to the Mystery – Part I

Surrendering to the Mystery – Part I

Dr Joe Dispenza | 28 January 2025

As I’m getting ready for a Dr Joe Live call this week, I’ve been thinking about why these conversations are so gratifying for me and the members who take part in them.

One reason is, they give me a chance to bring guests on to talk about the work from another perspective – something we’re doing this week, in fact; I’ll provide details at the end of this post.

And another is the same reason I love our advanced retreats – because the members who come to our Dr Joe Live calls are people who are deeply involved in these practices, and who want to broaden their model of understanding.

Recently, I’ve been thinking about a question that arose during one of these conversations late last year. It’s something people often ask about, and I thought it would be helpful to share it with you – along with the first part of my answer.

Returning Back to Source and Oneness

Dr Joe, at a recent retreat, I had a profound experience during one of the Walking Meditations. Life showed me what it really was; unlimited beauty readily available to everyone and everything at all times – because we are it, and it is us.  

It completely shifted the way I saw reality. I felt like I didn’t need to do anything to get to my future – because it was already done. It already existed in my life trajectory.  

This was the best feeling I ever felt – and I never wanted to feel anything else in my life. It stayed with me for two days, and then slowly faded away. I tried in different ways to get it back – and I did feel it again during another Walking Meditation – but it quickly vanished again. 

My question is, can we feel this way all the time? Or even most of the time? How do we achieve this? Is it just practice and growth? I’d be so very grateful for your response. – Chiara

Seeing Beyond the Veil

The first point I want to make is that everyone goes through this at some point in their evolution – including me. The moment Chiara had in her Walking Meditation was what we call “seeing beyond the veil.”

When we connect to this frequency; this invisible field of energy that is closer to oneness and wholeness; we become aware of far more information than we perceive with our mere senses. Our consciousness – our awareness of the so-called reality around us – is forever changed.

When we see beyond the veil, the gap between the way things really are and the way we are is lessened.

In these moments, we’re more conscious – and we feel more connected to harmony and wholeness. That’s because, in that realm beyond space and time, everything is connected. And with that feeling of connection comes a sense of knowingness that eludes words. It’s just hard to describe – because in doing so, we risk diluting the power of the experience itself.

Somehow, we’re ... aligned in a certain way. We bond to a reality we weren’t aware of or connected to before. But once we’ve had an experience of it; once it’s in our awareness; we have this deeper knowing – and we can’t unknow it.

It’s an awakening. Somehow, something we’d had no awareness of previously is now part of us – and part of our destiny.

‘Remember This Feeling’

As I told the woman who asked the question, I want everybody to have this experience. I want everybody to see beyond the veil – because it’s not only enthralling; it’s literally life-changing.

When I have one of those transcendental moments, I say to myself, “You’ve got to remember this feeling. You have to. This is who you really are. This ... is what it’s really about.”

Suddenly, I’m in a place of pure love – and I am this feeling. And in that place of exuberant, pure love, the unknown is no longer something to fear. And I realize: there’s so much more to life than I was ever aware of.

And, just like Chiara – the woman who asked the question above – the first couple of times I had that experience, I was eager to get back to that place. Having had a taste of that intoxicating connection to the divine within me and all around me, I wanted to experience it every day.

This became a long journey for me – as it does for most people in this work who’ve had an encounter with the mystical. Ultimately, I had to accept a fundamental truth about working in the quantum – and that is that replication and predictability are impossible. Because, if we can predict the outcome, then we’re working in the known. And that’s counter to the very nature of having a mystical experience. The mystical is the unknown.

I’ll talk more about predictability (and what our brain-imaging research says about it) – and trying to control outcomes and timing – in Part II. In the meantime, if you’d like to join us for this week’s Dr Joe Live conversation, I hope you’ll tune in. You’ll find more information below.


Join Dr Joe and special guest Pierre Louvrier in conversation – followed by Q&A – this Thursday, January 30, at 12 p.m. PST / 3 p.m. EST. They’ll continue their fascinating conversation – from Dr Joe’s visit to the Pontifical Academy of Sciences at the Vatican – on the science behind personal transformation and unlocking extraordinary human potential.

To subscribe and tune in, visit the Dr Joe Live pages on our website.
