Plasma, Matter, and the Projection of Reality:
Part II
Dr Joe Dispenza | 16 July 2021
“Despite academia’s skepticism it has been said that EU (Electric Universe Theory) is a revelation on par with the work of Copernicus and Galileo or the quantum physics at the early part of the last century.”
~ Eileen Day McKusick, Tuning the Human Biofield
For a moment, contemplate what mystics, masters, and sages have been saying for thousands of years—our physical three-dimensional reality is an illusion. If they are indeed right, is there any science to support that claim?
In part I, we discussed the four states of matter: solids, liquids, gases, and plasma. Plasma is made of suspended positively and negatively charged subatomic particles that, when separated from one another, create electromagnetic fields of attraction and repulsion, similar to a magnet. With plasma comprising as much as 99% of all matter, you’d have to ask yourself the question:
Why is there so much of it in the universe?
Before we continue, there are three main points I want you to consider regarding waves and wave frequencies:
1) Frequency and wavelengths are in a constant inverse relationship.
The longer the wavelength, the slower the frequency; the shorter the wavelength, the faster the frequency. As an example, radio waves have a slower frequency and longer wavelength than x-rays, which have a faster frequency and a shorter wavelength.
2) All waves carry information.
Continuing with our analogy, radio waves carry embedded information that can be decoded by a radio receiver and transduced into your favorite song.
3) All waves need a medium to travel through.
When you listen to music in your living room, sound waves travel though the space in the room, however, the medium that carries the waves is air (a gas). Said another way, all forms of matter—from gas, to solid, to liquid, and even plasma—are the media for frequency waves to travel through.
With that said, in order to understand how wavelengths of energy slow down from source or singularity into density, we have to change the way we perceive these waves. Generally, when we imagine pictures or graphics of waves that transfer energy, we tend to think of rolling crests and troughs, such as waves in the ocean. Plasma waves, however, are far more complex. They appear much more orderly, geometric, and holistic. That’s because they are coherent standing waves of intersecting frequencies that carry encoded information—information that contains the instructions or the blueprints of matter.
When coherent plasma waves constructively interfere with each other, like a beautiful, rhythmic, constantly changing kaleidoscope, they form fractal patterns of encoded information that inform everything physical or material. From pinecones, to seashells, to flowers, to apples, to lung tissue, to the shape of ears—even to the spiraling universe—these redundant fractal patterns are found all throughout the physical world. The mathematical constant describing this was first discovered by the Greek philosopher and mathematician Euclid in 300 BC. Today it’s known as the Golden Ratio or the Golden Mean.
Since the speed of light is the ceiling of our three-dimensional reality—meaning that anything physical or material that travels at or vibrates above the speed of light becomes energy—then it makes sense that, right when source energy slows down to the speed of light, plasma becomes the medium for coherent frequencies coming from the unified field to formulate into patterns or blueprints. Those patterns and blueprints dictate what particular form matter will take on.
In a way, these complex, geometric fractal patterns of energy coming from source are being carried on plasma and are being pressed or imprinted into form at the speed of light (186,282 miles/second). Thus, the charged polarized plasma molecules serve as a template or blueprint just prior to organizing into subatomic particles, atoms, and molecules—which then become solid, liquid, or gas. Like ever-changing mandalas, plasma is a living matrix of electrical charges that create matter and our physical reality.
To understand how these complex, interfering patterns could form into matter, imagine taking three stones and dropping them at the same time in a plate of water. As the ripples of waves intersect with one another, they create coherent interfering patterns. If you were to freeze these interfering wave patterns in the water—and then you shined a laser (coherent light) through the frozen interference patterns—you would be left with a hologram of the three stones. In other words, the stones would appear as an illusion suspended in the air outside the plate. To simplify this complex equation of how the physical world may be created, source energy would be the point of the laser, the light from the laser would be the coherent frequency that is carrying information from source, the pattern existing in the ice would be the information that creates matter, and the appearance of matter would be the hologram of three-dimensional reality.
Let’s look at it from another point of view. If you were to think of the way an old slide projector would be used, source energy would be the light bulb, the slide would be the pattern existing at the intersection of light, and the image projected onto the screen would be three-dimensional reality.
All of this is to say that all information that creates three-dimensional reality is actually held in beautiful coherent interfering patterns—suspended in the unified field as plasma—which then creates the illusion of physical reality. Therefore, it is not matter that’s emitting a field, it’s the field that’s creating matter.
If you can change the information in the field, you can change the illusion of matter.