Rewriting the Rules of Virtual Reality:
Part I
Dr Joe Dispenza | 24 April 2021
Imagine for a moment the dot of a pencil in the center of a page.
Now take that dot and drag it to create a line.
Congratulations, you’ve just created a dimension.
Next, I want you to take the whole line and drag it to create a square.
You can now proudly call yourself the creator of two dimensions.
Next, grab the entire square and pull it out of the page towards you to create a box. Congratulations are really in order this time. You’ve just created three dimensions.
Before we go on, pause for a moment to understand and embody how much power resides in being the creator of these three dimensions. You’ve just created the physical representation—the very blueprint—for our common understanding of this three-dimensional (3D) reality.
If this 3D reality you just created were a game, then this game has certain rules, and we call these rules Newtonian laws. In this game, the majority of the participants have agreed upon these rules because they define our physical experience of space and time. In the pursuit of pleasure and attaining things within the context of the game, space and time are important characteristics of these laws because they create the illusion of separation and distance between you, me, objects, places, and things. Thus, to create change or attain “things” in this game, we rely on matter to change or attain matter…and that takes time and energy. What all of this implies is that in this 3D plane of demonstration, we have to do “some thing” in order to make “something” happen.
The question I want to pose to you then is this: what happens to the square when you add a fourth dimension? Would you not also have to add another layer of rules on top of the existing rules?
Once again, congratulations are in order. As the creator of this 3D reality, you have just reached the edge of your current understanding—the edge of what you can currently imagine as possibility. Now don’t be too hard on yourself because in truth, since you have only experienced the 3D world through your senses, a 4th dimension could only exist outside of your current known model of reality. Thus, when you have only been living in a 3D world, it’s hard to imagine a 4th dimension.
Let’s pause and shift gears.
I now want you to imagine you’re completely immersed in a virtual reality game. Before you place that imaginary headset on, it would serve you better to gain an understanding of what virtual reality is.
Virtual reality, otherwise known as VR, is a simulated experience that can be similar to what we commonly understand and experience as the “real” world. It’s unique, hypnotic, and illusory power resides in stimulating one’s physical being in an imaginary, sensorial world. In other words, VR places us in a holographic world in which our senses are deceived, manipulated, or altered into having us believe the imaginary world in which we’re engaged is the real world.
If you imagine what you see and experience in this VR world as the physical 3D world we live in, then what’s outside the headset is the where the 4th, 5th, 6th and even more dimensions exist. These are not realms where we use our senses to navigate because there is nothing physical or material there to experience with our senses. Instead, these are dimensions of energy, frequency, information, thought, consciousness, and vibration. We call the totality of these dimensions the quantum field or unified field, or the field where all possibilities and potentials exist. The next question then is this: is it possible that a part of you exists outside the headset?
If your entire focus, awareness, and being (senses) were completely immersed in the world within your VR glasses, then that would be your real world, because that’s where you’d be experiencing your body, local in space and time. It’s also because that’s where all of your attention is. If this were the case, you might forget that there is another part of you that exists outside the VR headset. Let’s call this familiar reality within your VR sensory experience your known self, and we’ll call the you that exists outside the headset your unknown self.
Now here’s the truth of the matter:
If you were living within the VR headset, what you would actually be experiencing is a simulated world dreamed up by the minds of game creators. It is a world of pixels and bits, built upon a series of electrical switches and circuits, designed to transport numbers and codes, in order to create the appearance of colors, patterns, and sounds. It is this seamless integration of these elements that gives you the experience of a reality. You’d have to agree then that, if this virtual reality was all you knew, then you couldn’t imagine anything outside of the headset because you would have no experience of it.
What all of this is to say is that this work is about moving outside of the headset that keeps you in the illusion of this 3D reality. Once you can get out of that VR headset, you can see the greater truth of this 3D world. That truth is that this physical reality is secondary to the mind or consciousness, but the headset has us believing that consciousness is born from the body. Why? Because we are constantly responding to and interacting with the illusions of the VR world.
Once outside of the VR headset, however—once we enter the doorway to the quantum field—we see it is the other way around. Consciousness is the builder and it is consciousness that brought the illusion of the physical into being—thus the body is actually the servant of consciousness, and the life we create is the projection of consciousness onto the VR screen. When you realize this is the case (which is to say, once you take off the VR headset), you are entering the quantum field whereby your interaction with coherent energy and information can rewrite the rules, not to mention change the way you see and function in the VR headset. Thus, you can alter this 3D game to match your will and intention by no longer playing the game of trying to change the VR world from inside the VR world.