She Healed Pre-Cancerous Cells in Her Cervix With Divine Love

“I know that it's surrendering into divine love ... it’s not the fear and it’s not the figuring out and the trying to do it. It's that the divine wants to do it for you.”

Elizabeth was surprised to learn her doctor had detected irregular cells in her cervix – and shocked when a biopsy revealed CIN-3 – the highest-possible grade before the cells become cancerous. The only possible treatment felt too invasive – and Elizabeth worried it would affect her ability to have children. Already a longtime practitioner of Dr Joe’s work, she decided to delay the procedure and give herself time to heal.

Elizabeth worked with every tool she had learned – the “Pulling the Mind Out of the Body” breath; the Progressive Online Course; and many meditations. When she received a Remote Coherence Healing™, there was a breakthrough. She knew the healers had shifted a pattern in her field.

Elizabeth never did have the procedure her doctor wanted to perform. But she did go in for more tests to confirm what she knew had taken place. Her doctor was dumbfounded to see no precancerous cells in her cervix. He even looked for a more powerful microscope to make sure what he was seeing was true. There was nothing there.

Recorded at the Washington DC Advanced Follow Up Retreat in July 2024