Awaking in the Dream from the Dream:
Why We’re Learning Lucid Dreaming
Dr Joe Dispenza | 10 November 2017
When most people awake in the morning, they don’t remember their dreams because they jump right back into the program of all the things they need to do that day. They immediately go from delta, which is deep sleep, straight up the brain wave scale to beta, which is thinking and performing tasks. In the process, they don’t have time to slowly transition and gradually climb the ladder of consciousness from delta, to theta, to alpha, to beta. I wanted to give our students enough time to linger in the subconscious states of alpha and theta so that they could begin to awaken the circuity and neuropathways responsible for dream recollection. We’re cultivating these skills for two main reasons.
The first is that if you have a profound lucid inner experience—because experience enriches the brain, and the end-product of an experience is an emotion, and emotions chemically condition the body— the more real the dream, the more you will think the event has already happened, thus the more you will feel like it has happened. Since the body doesn’t know the difference between an experience and a thought, you can literally change your biology, neuro-circuitry, chemistry, hormones, and genes, simply by having an inner event. Science tells us that the environment signals the gene. Thus, if a dream (your inner experience) seems as real or more real than any outer experience in the environment—you can signal new genes in new ways and literally heal from a disease. When you live in your dreams to this extent, it makes sense that you’ve already experienced that reality. (This is when life gets exciting because you’re living less in lack or separation and more in believing and knowing.)
The second reason to develop the skill of lucid dreaming is that if you can begin to wake up in your dream, when it comes time during a meditation to dream your future, you will dream with greater skill and in greater detail, and your dreams (that is, the dreams of your future) will be real to you. In fact, you will become more skilled at consciously creating and directing your dreams while in your subconscious mind.
Imagine that—you would literally be living in that future—and this of course would change your brain and body to a degree equal to that dream, because it will feel like that change has already happened. By consciously directing your dreams, magic starts to happen.
How to Begin Lucid Dreaming
The indigenous aboriginal tribes of Australia believe the dream world is the real world and this physical reality is the dream world. When we begin to inhabit our dreams in a more lucid state, more of our attention and awareness is in that reality and thus so is our energy. Then our day-to-day 3D reality begins to appear more like the actual dream because we are more conscious in the dream world than the ‘real’ 3D world. Imagine your dreams are so real that they appear more real than the reality you are in—this is just one more step in removing another layer of the veil of the illusion that this 3D reality is the dream we’re caught in. Maybe it’s all a dream inside a dream inside a dream, and each time we wake up from a dream, we’re more conscious and aware in the next dream than in this present 3D reality.
While you ponder that conundrum, here’s a few ways you can start training your mind to dream lucidly:
- Practice allowing your body to relax deeper and deeper but keep your mind awake for as long as you can. Before you drift off, give yourself the suggestion (since the door to the subconscious mind is open) that you remember your dreams.
- Watch the kaleidoscope before you go to bed, and when you lie down to fall asleep, place your attention and awareness on your pineal gland until you fall asleep.
- Set an alarm for some time between 1am and 4am. When it goes off, sit up, watch the kaleidoscope or your mind movie for a short period of time, then go back to bed.
- When you wake up, record your dreams.
How Bad Do You Want It?
Many people say they want the mystical and the unknown, but when it comes down to it, they’d rather have their comfort and their sleep. I wanted to initiate our students into a new understanding by having them linger in the doorway between two dream worlds. While we won’t be doing the lying down meditation like this at every event, all of the previous work we did with the pineal gland meditations (and stimulating the metabolites of melatonin) was a preparation for the lying down meditation we practiced at our advanced follow up in Cabo San Lucas. I took a risk in teaching lucid dreaming at this event, but I think it’s clear by the results and the rewards that the risk was worth it.
I totally understand how you might not want to wake up in the middle of the night. At times, however, if you really want to have a mystical experience, you have to go after it with a greater desire than your desire to stay asleep. Why? Because the scientific truth of the matter is it’s the best time to have a mystical experience because it’s when we have the highest levels of melatonin in our brain, which can then transform into some very powerful metabolites to create interdimensional experience. You can learn more about this in Chapter 12 of my new book Becoming Supernatural: How Common People are Doing the Uncommon.