Changing Boxes: Revisiting a Favorite Practice – Part I

Changing Boxes:

Revisiting a Favorite Practice – Part I

Dr Joe Dispenza | 11 March 2025

Change Your Box, Change Your Reality 

Over the years, I’ve developed a series of teachings and meditations called “Changing Boxes.” The practice is based on the idea of leaving an “old box” – where a problem exists in the 3D realm we call “space-time” – and tuning in to a new potential reality of the 5D realm we call “time-space.” Thus, we enter a “new box” – one where the challenge no longer exists.

People sometimes get stuck on the idea of what we literally mean by “box” – or think this has to become about visualization. But it can be looser and more playful than that.

In very simple terms, think of this practice as a way of overcoming the known to make way for the unknown. The “old box” is your current personal reality; the same old way of thinking, feeling, and behaving ... your same way of seeing the same problems, which inevitably limits you to the same outcomes.

And the “new box” can be ... anything you haven’t thought of before. A new way of seeing; of thinking; of feeling; of behaving. A new way of being. A reality where there is no problem.

So, when you “change boxes,” you leave the same old personality self behind. You overcome the known in 3D reality and tune in to new, 5D reality where unlimited new potentials exist. You become aware of the possibility of a new box. From there, it becomes possible to create a new personal reality.

“Changing Boxes” initially began as teachings and meditations practiced only at our Week Long Advanced Retreats. The practice quickly became one of the most popular offerings at those events – and due to popular demand, we began making the meditations available to everyone in our community.

If the concept is new to you, it may seem challenging at first. But once you get it, I assure you it’s an easy way to shift your consciousness, move out of the “old box” of the present reality you are stuck in, tune in to a new dimension of opportunities in your life, and, ultimately, emerge in a “new box” – a new reality.

First, let’s explore the fundamentals that underpin this practice.

Fueling Problems With Attention and Energy

Let’s begin with the idea that the problems or conditions in our lives are created from our level of consciousness – or, as is more often the case, unconsciousness. So, if you’re faced with an adversity or challenge you can’t seem to get beyond, it’s because you’re most likely bringing the same level of mind to the issue that created it in the first place.

Let’s say that every day, you’re thinking about a problem in the same exact way. That’s because your brain is a memory bank of everything you know and have experienced. So, based on your past experience, you have a neurological network in your brain associated with every person, object, thing, or place at a certain time in your life.

In a sense, when you think about those familiar problems or challenges, you are thinking in the past. Said another way, you are viewing your current reality through the lens of a past, known consciousness.

For every one of those thoughts (or memories) associated with the problem or person, there is an associated emotion. Emotions are the chemical end-products of past experiences. In other words, your emotional reactions to any problem in your life cause your body to live in the past – and thus, to think equal to that emotion. In a sense, your consciousness is equal to the consciousness – or unconsciousness – that created it.

If how you think and how you feel creates your state of being, then your reaction to the conditions and problems in your life only serves to reaffirm the same body, mind, thoughts, feelings, actions, and reactions related to the problem. Thus, the stronger the emotional reaction you have to the problem or condition, the more you pay attention to it.

In this work, we learn that where you place your attention is where you place your energy. And so, by giving a problem your attention, you’re keeping it alive in your life by giving your energy to it.

As a result, you’re giving your very life force away to that problem. That’s energy you could be using to create a different reality. That means there’s a good possibility you might be the reason why the problem hasn’t changed – because you haven’t changed your energy.

And, since nothing changes in your life until you change your energy, theoretically, that’s why your situation is staying the same.

So, then, once you understand this, the questions become: How can you become unencumbered by the energy of your problems? How can you change your energy and move to a greater level of consciousness; one where the challenge no longer exists?

This is where we get deeper into the practice behind the “Changing Boxes” meditations. We’ll talk more about that in Part II.
