Balance Your Body, Harmonize Your Life:
The Evolution of BioSyntropy
Dr Joe Dispenza | 22 October 2024
When I began traveling extensively years ago to bring my lectures and meditations to workshops around the world, I also began subjecting my body to some pretty extreme stressors. I often was flying among many time zones (sometimes three within 10 days), staying in various hotels, and changing my sleeping and eating patterns – and activity levels – to accommodate the demands of my event schedule.
I’ve been working on self-regulation, in some form, for a very long time. But despite a lifetime of disciplined practice, I started to notice I was constantly out of homeostasis. It was a challenge to balance my inner environment to keep up with the never-ending demands of my outer environment.
Finally, in a hotel room in a time zone far from home, I realized what I needed was to balance each of the energy centers in my body. If I could do that, I reasoned, I could connect to my subconscious “operating system” – the autonomic nervous system – and bring myself back to homeostasis.
And so – the first “Blessing of the Energy Centers” meditation was born.
The Energy Centers in the Body
Various glands throughout the body secrete different types of hormones. The specific hormones produced by each of these glandular centers provide different types of energy for different reasons. That’s why we call them “energy centers.”
Each individual center has its own associated glands, hormones, chemicals, and individual plexuses of neurons (“mini brains”) that, when activated with energy, create their own specific mind – or consciousness – and control different parts of the body.
The energy centers are under the control of the autonomic nervous system, which automatically facilitates homeostasis and balance in all your body's systems. So, when you learn how to activate these centers, you can program your autonomic nervous system to create more balance, harmony, and health.
Each of these centers influences the other – and if one is out of balance, it can cause a chain reaction among the rest. I realized, lying in that hotel room more than a decade ago, that’s what was happening to me.
I was feeling many of the symptoms that come with being out of balance. My digestion; energy levels; and immune, cardiovascular, musculoskeletal, and nervous systems all were in a state of dis-ease. I knew, if this state became chronic and sustained, I couldn’t stay healthy – especially because all the things I usually did were no longer working.
And so, if I were going to bring balance back to my body, I needed to bring balance back to each of my energy centers.
In other words, while the centers themselves are inherent to the body – and, by design, are innately orderly and harmonious – being subjected to physical, chemical, and/or emotional stress can knock them out of balance. And if that imbalance is extreme enough, they need time, energy, and attention to bring them back to homeostasis.
Put yet another way: because of constant exposure to stressors, my body was in a state of disorder – or biological entropy. And through working with my energy centers, I was bringing it back into a state of order – or biological syntropy. With intention and attention, I was giving my body an energetic boost.
BioSyntropy: An Evolution in Supporting the Energy Centers
When I created BioSyntropy supplements, it was with similar principles in mind: to physically, chemically, and emotionally balance the energy centers – so they can regulate homeostasis. And since each center correlates to its own individual glands, hormones, and chemistry, each requires its own molecular “building blocks” to create the right chemistry for its optimal function.
The Blessing of the Energy Centers Meditations are designed to support that. And so are the supplements created by BioSyntropy.
Now, I want to make it very clear that I don’t view taking vitamins or supplements as being counter – in any way – to the work we do with our meditations to influence our biology. Yes, it’s true that we have a “pharmacy within,” and we can work with our brain and body to produce tremendous effects – including manufacturing the substances inherent to the body to bring it into balance, and even to heal.
It's also true that those efforts can benefit from additional support through supplementation and other healthy practices. With BioSyntropy, we provide the necessary raw materials, and through the Blessing of the Energy Centers meditations, our intention can direct the right information directly to the autonomic nervous system so that “signal” is converted into another form of information – into chemistry – like proteins and hormones.
I take vitamins every day (and have since I was a teenager) for many reasons; one being that I’m suspicious of the amount of nutrients in our food supply. I take them to supplement those nutrients – and keep my body in chemical balance.
To maintain physical balance, I work out intensely – varying strength, endurance, and flexibility training. And my daily meditation practice helps with my emotional balance.
I view all of these practices as aids to self-regulation. If the energy centers in the body are out of balance, and there are essential building blocks to their chemistry to bring them into balance, then the right supplementation can give them the necessary “boost” to begin to replenish, repair, and restore.
It's that simple. That’s the premise of any vitamin supplement, essentially: we’re giving our body whatever it is missing to do the work it needs to come back into balance.
What’s different about the supplements we’ve created with BioSyntropy is, we’ve applied our extensive scientific research – going back more than a decade – to their formulation and development. We’ve taken what we’ve learned about regulating the autonomic nervous system to create formulas that provide the raw materials to support the body’s innate intelligence to repair and restore. Formulas with the essential vitamins, minerals, and amino acids (the building blocks of proteins) in the highest concentration for each center – as well as natural herbs that enhance the proper production of each hormone.
If you find – despite your own self-regulation practices – you still have issues with your health, these supplements can be an invaluable tool in your toolkit.
Keep doing your meditations; keep practicing convergent and divergent focus to change your brain waves; keep working on programming your autonomic nervous system to bring your body back into balance. And give your body the raw materials it needs to support those efforts.
The evolution of BioSyntropy is part of the evolution of this work overall. Since we began to introduce these supplements to the world, it’s been so gratifying to hear the testimonials of people who feel supported in their efforts – and health – by incorporating them into their practice. I hope you find they benefit you, too.
To learn more about BioSyntropy’s supplements for the first, fourth, and sixth energy centers, visit their web site and sign up to receive special offers. Stay tuned for new products to support the other energy centers – coming soon.
To work with your energy centers in meditation, browse our Blessing of the Energy Centers Collection.
For further study of the energy centers in the body, check out Dr Joe’s recent three-part blog series exploring how to work with them – beginning with Part I, “Ascending to a New Consciousness.” You also can refer to Chapter 4 in Dr Joe’s book, Becoming Supernatural.