A Practical Guide to Chasing the Mystical

A Practical Guide to Chasing the Mystical

Dr Joe Dispenza | 01 February 2019

There are four states of consciousness: wakefulness, sleeping, dreaming, and the transcendental. The transcendental state of consciousness is a state of awareness that is often associated with mystical experiences, and it’s the mystical that allows us to experience another aspect of the self. To say this another way, this means we have to transcend the known self to experience some other aspect of our potential unknown self. To get beyond the known self is what begins to fill in the mystery of the self, and that moment awakens us to our journey back to source. In other words, there is more to you than meets the eye.

In the case of the mystical, the experience comes not from an external world; it comes from an internal one. When you have a mystical, transcendental experience, it is as if your senses heighten to such a degree that the internal experience causes you to become more aware, more awake, and more conscious than any experience you have in your everyday, waking, 3D reality—but it’s not the 3D world that you are awakening to. It’s another entire world beyond the senses. It is as if you are having a full-on sensory experience without your senses.

You may have previously heard me say that the stronger the emotion you feel—that is, the stronger the change in your internal state—the more you begin to pay attention to whatever is causing it in your outer world. This is how we create long term memories. In a mystical experience, it’s an increase in energy that makes us feel more like frequency and energy, and less like matter and chemistry. As a result of the increase in energy in the form of an elevated emotion, due to the internal experience, vivid, lucid images capture the brain’s full attention, and it’s the energy directing your awareness that begins to neurologically reshape the brain.

The elevated emotion or energy you experience from the internal event is what begins to condition the body to a new mind. In other words, it’s what moves the body out of the past and more into the present moment—and the stronger you feel that ecstasy, energy, love, bliss, or whatever you want to call it, the more you want to experience the present moment. This is how the body begins to move out of the past. This is also why so many people heal in this work.

For the past ten years, at our workshops around the world we’ve been teaching our students how to do this. At the same time, we’ve been conducting the research to back up the results, as well as further developing and refining the methodology that produces these powerful outcomes. What all of this comes down to is that we are teaching our students how to get beyond themselves so they can enter the elegant present moment—the doorway to the mystical.

With that said, standing on the shoulders of Dreamtime III, the recent Advanced Follow-up workshop in Berlin, Germany, let’s go over some simple steps you can take in order to have a mystical experience. This is going to require you to align certain choices to perform certain functions.

Get up early in the morning.

If you want to have a mystical experience, you have to get up early (ideally between 1am to 4am). Why? Because this is when our brain chemistry is ripe for the mystical, meaning, this is when our melatonin levels are at their height. It’s also when our brainwaves are at their best. For example, when you get up in the early morning hours, our brainwaves tend to be in a slower frequency like alpha and theta. As a result, you don’t have to work as hard to get the body in a relaxed situation and into that particular brainwave state. If you don’t want to get up early—if you don’t want to be awakened in the middle of the night or disturb your sleep habit—then more than likely you’re going to miss the opportunity.

 Sit up in your meditation longer than you normally would.

When you do the pineal gland meditation to induce the mystical moment, sit up longer than you normally would. This is important because if you sit up past the point where your body wants to lie down, your body is going to surrender more deeply when you finally do lie down. It’s in this state of relaxation and satisfaction when the door to the mystical opens. This is essential because if you want to operate in that realm between wakefulness and sleep, your body has to feel like it’s asleep, while at the same time your mind has to be awake. As you pass through that little doorway, through that portal, it causes you to again enter another world. You become very conscious in your subconscious mind.

It’s also important to add here that if you really want to have a great mystical experience, do your meditation somewhere other than your bed so you’re not as likely to immediately fall asleep. When you do lie down, it helps if you put a pillow or a bolster under your knees so that you feel relaxed and comfortable, but it doesn’t feel like you are in bed.

Set an alarm to wake up and record your dreams.

Every now and then, set an alarm to wake up in the middle of the laying down portion of your meditation to write down your dreams in a journal—or at least the last thing you remembered from your dreams. If you can recall the dream, you are literally learning how to stay conscious in the subconscious realm. Once you do that, the next step is to review the dream. As you get good at it, the dream becomes animate again, and now you’re back in the dream world consciously. When you’re conscious in your dream, this is when lucid dreaming starts to occur.

Do the breaths.

  •     Do the breath to pull the mind out of the body (pre-meditation breath)

The purpose of this pre-meditation breath is to pull the mind out of the body so as to draw the energy of the body’s first three energy centers back up to the brain. The application of this breath couples a slow, steady inhalation as you contract your intrinsic muscles at the same time. Meanwhile, follow your breath all the way to the pineal gland. When your awareness reaches your sixth center, hold your breath and further squeeze those intrinsic muscles again. As you push cerebral spinal fluid up against the crystals of the pineal gland, it activates latent systems that cause the pineal gland (the gland that’s responsible for the transcendental experience) to become electrically stimulated. This electrical current causes the crystals in the pineal gland to begin to shimmer, and it’s the vibration of the crystals that allows them to pick up frequencies beyond the senses. The pineal gland then transduces the frequencies into profound imageries. As we pull the mind out of the body and back into the brain, the brain can go into heightened brainwave states of gamma.

(I describe this in detail in Chapter 5 of Becoming Supernatural: How Common People Are Doing the Uncommon. Page 140 – 142)

  •     Do the laying down breath to oxygenate the brain (post-meditation breath)

If you want to linger in the doorway to the subconscious longer, there’s a breath we teach at our Advance Workshops where you inhale deeply through your nose and push the air out of your mouth. The rapid, passionate repetition of this breath in cycles of 7 – 10 times (or however many times you like) oxygenates the brain, causing you to feel slightly lightheaded and euphoric. The purpose of this breath is to keep you a little longer in the alpha and theta brainwave state so you slowly descend the ladder of consciousness into delta brainwave states. This is when your body falls asleep but your mind stays awake.

If you are really interested—and committed—to having a mystical experience, it will most likely take you a couple of weeks to train yourself into the proper habits to have one. As you do this, it will also require you to change the beliefs you’re tied to, such as you’ll be too tired during the day and/or that you’ll be in a bad mood as a result of not having what you previously considered to be enough sleep.

Once the door to the mystical opens to you, because you have been knocking on the door every morning, you will say what every person says when their moment comes: “That was so worth it.” When the mystery of the unknown self is revealed to you, you will never be the same person again. Why? Because you will know too much. You will finally understand that the only way to get to the mystical is to leave behind everything known to you—so much so that you will want to get beyond your known self every day.

To be selfless then is to lose yourself to the unknown every day. Once you know the formula of how to get there, I can’t think of a better way to experience life.
