Becoming Supernatural Meditation Information

Chapter 3:

Tuning In To New Potentials Meditation Instructions


This meditation requires a little advanced preparation:

  • I want you to think about a potential experience you want to have. Remember that just like the electron before it collapses into matter, the experience already exists as a potential in the energy or frequency in the quantum field. This is the energy that you’re about to tune in to.
  • Once you have the new experience you want to create, assign a capital letter to it and then write that letter down on a piece of paper. Think of the letter as a symbol that represents that specific possibility in your life. Then draw two squiggly circular lines around the letter to represent the electromagnetic field that you need to generate around your body to match that potential in the quantum.
  • Assign meaning to that letter so you can get even more clear about your intention. Think of some specific conditions of what you want, write down the header Intention, and list at least four of them beneath it. (The only thing I don’t want you to consider including is any mention of a time frame.)
  • Finally, on that same piece of paper, write down the header Elevated Emotions and list the emotions you will feel when that imagined potential happens. These different emotions are the energy that is going to carry your intent. You really have to feel those emotions. You have to teach your body emotionally what that future is going to feel like before it happens—and you have to do that in the present moment.

Now you’re ready for the meditation.


Here are some basic instructions before you get started:

  • I recommend you listen to music while you do all your meditations. The best type of music is music without vocals, and I prefer the type of sound that is slow and trancing. It’s best to use music that stops you from thinking and that doesn’t evoke past memories. Feel free to use your own; otherwise, here is my list of suggested music.
  • Find a quiet and secluded place. You may want to use an eye mask to eliminate as much light as possible.
  • This is a seated meditation, so make sure you’re sitting up either in a chair that is comfortable or seated on the floor with legs crossed and a pillow under your hips. Your back should be straight.


1.  Start by becoming aware of the infinite, vast space way out behind your eyes in this eternal black space. Next, proceed by resting your attention in different parts of your body, as well as the space around those parts of your body in space. For example, I want you to become aware of the space in the center of your head in this infinite black space. Then become aware of the space between the back of your throat and the back of your head in this eternal black space. Next, become aware of the vastness of space around your head in space. Feel an alive energy all around your head in this endless black space. As you move to each of these spaces within and around your body, take your time and feel it, become aware of it, and stay present with it. Then become aware of the space in the center of your throat in this endless black void of anything physical—then the space beyond your throat and around your neck in space. Now become aware of the space in the center of your chest, resting your awareness there for a few moments to anchor your attention there. Next, move your attention to the space around your body in this eternal vast space; then become aware of the space that your navel occupies in space, and keep your attention there, staying present with it for a few minutes. Begin to feel the space around your hips in this endless black void. Again, with each one, take your time to really feel it and become aware of it. Finally, I want you to become aware of how vast the black space is. Become aware that the blackness is the size of the room that you’re in, in space. By opening your focus, extend your awareness to the vastness of space beyond the room in space.

2.  Next, it’s time to become no body, no one, no thing, no where, in no time; to become pure consciousness and to unfold as an awareness into this infinite black space and endless field where all possibilities exist. This means you have to take your attention off of your body, the people in your life, the things you own, and the places you have to go—even where you happen to be sitting. This is how you get beyond linear time—beyond thinking about the predictable future or remembering the familiar past. I recommend that you practice moving beyond space and time for at least 10 to 15 minutes. You may want to set an alarm to remind you to move to the next step.

3.  As you keep investing your attention and energy into the infinite unknown realm of endless possibilities, the longer you linger in the unknown, the more you create possibilities in your life. So go deeper into the void, trusting in the unknown. Lose yourself in nothing to become everything. If you get distracted, simply return to the present moment and unfold back into possibility. Every time you return to the present moment, you are reconditioning your body to a new mind and executing a will that is becoming greater than your automatic unconscious programs.

4.  Next, think about your new potential by remembering your letter. Whatever you broadcast into the field is your experiment with destiny. Remember that the longer you are conscious of this energy, the more you are drawing that future experience to you. When there’s a vibrational match between your energy and that potential, you will collapse time so that new event in space can find you. Sense that energy—within you and all around you—and tune in to the energy of your future. Stay present with that energy and don’t try to make anything happen.

5.  Where you place your attention is where you place your energy, so now it’s time to invest your energy into your new future by remembering that future before it happens. It’s time to live that future now. What choices will you make in this new future? What things will you do? What experiences await you and how will they feel? Just let those thoughts and images come. They will become the blueprints of your destiny. What are you going to do with all your new wealth? What are you going to do with your new job? What are you going to do with your new freedom? What are you going to do with your new life? What are you going to do when you’re healthy? By mentally rehearsing what that future will be like, you’re priming your brain and body to make it look like this future event has already happened.

6.  When you are done, it’s time to surrender your creation to a greater mind, planting a seed in the infinite field of possibilities. Allow this greater intelligence of the unified field to organize your creation in a way that’s perfect for you—and then just let it go! Whatever intention you experience and emotionally embrace in the realm beyond space and time must manifest in this space and time. It’s the law.

7.  Next, take your left hand and place it over your heart, and bless your body with a new mind. Your body is your temple, so I want you to bless it and love it into life. Bless your life that it be an extension of your mind, giving new life to your life. Bless your soul that it wake you from this dream. Bless your past that it turn to wisdom, and bless your future that it be filled with opportunity and adventure. Bless the challenges in your life that they initiate you into greatness. Bless the divine in you—the power within you—and ask it to move in you, through you, and all around you—and ask it to show evidence in your life that it is real.

8.  It’s time to finish in a state of gratitude. If your thought sends the signal out and your feeling draws the event back to you, it’s time to open your heart and give thanks for a new life before it’s made manifest. The longer you feel gratitude, the more you’re drawing your new future to you because gratitude means it has already happened. Gratitude is the ultimate state of receivership.

9.  Finally, slowly bring your awareness back to a new body, to a new environment, and to a whole new time. When you’re ready, you can open your eyes and come back to the world of your senses in this dimension of space and time. Then get up from your meditation as though your future has already happened, not waiting for it to show up or waiting for it to happen, but feeling with certainty that events are unfolding at this very moment that will bring what you want directly to you in a way you could never imagine—and let the synchronicities and new possibilities find you.

Tuning In To New Potentials Guided Meditation Available for Purchase

Chapter 4:

Blessing of the Energy Centers Meditation Instructions


This meditation has become one of the most popular meditations among our students and has created an impressive number of supernatural results. As I did previously, I will give you some basic instructions:

  • I recommend you listen to music while you do all your meditations. The best type of music is music without vocals, and I prefer the type of sound that is slow and trancing. It’s best to use music that stops you from thinking and that doesn’t evoke past memories. Feel free to use your own; otherwise, here is my list of suggested music.
  • Find a quiet and secluded place. You may want to use an eye mask to eliminate as much light as possible.
  • This is a seated meditation, so make sure you’re sitting up either in a chair that is comfortable or seated on the floor with legs crossed and a pillow under your hips. Your back should be straight.


1.  Begin by placing your attention in the first energy center (the area of your perineum), and then open up your attention to the space around this center. Once you can sense this space around the energy center and tune in to its frequency, bless that center for the greatest good and with the intention of giving life to life. I want you to connect to elevated emotions—like love, gratitude, or joy—to raise the frequency of this center and create coherence in the mini-brain of this center so that it draws from a new field of energy and information. Think of the cells of your body that relate to each center as your children, and these children are looking for the proper instructions. Simply have the intention to love them and raise the frequency with that intention.

2.  Place your attention in the second energy center (the area behind and slightly below your navel), and then open up your attention to the space around this center and body. Once you can sense this space around the energy center and your body by tuning in to its frequency, bless that center for the greatest good, with the intention of giving life to life. Again, I want you to connect to elevated emotions—like love, gratitude, or joy—to raise the frequency of this center and create coherence in the mini-brain of this center so that it draws from a new field of energy and information.

3.  Repeat the above process, except this time place your attention in the third energy center (inside the pit of your gut), and then open your focus to the space around this center and around your body. Once you can sense this space around the energy center and your body, tune in to its frequency and bless that center for the greatest good, with the intention of giving life to life.

4.  Repeat the above process, except this time place your attention in the fourth energy center (the center of your chest), and then open up your attention to the space around this center and your body. Once you can sense this space around the energy center and your body, tune in to its frequency and bless that center for the greatest good, with the intention of giving life to life.

5.  Repeat the above process, except this time place your attention in the fifth energy center (in the center of your throat), and then open your focus to the space around this center. Once you can sense this space around the energy center and your neck, tune in to its frequency and bless that center for the greatest good, with the intention of loving it into life.

6.  Repeat the above process, except this time place your attention in the sixth energy center (between the back of your throat and the back of your head), and then open up your focus to the space around this center and your head in space. Once you can sense this space around the energy center and your head, tune in to its frequency and bless that center for the greatest good, with the intention of giving life to life. 

7.  Repeat the above process, except this time place your attention in the seventh energy center (in the center of your head), and then open your focus to the space around this center and your head in space. Once you can sense this space around the energy center and your head, tune in to its frequency and bless that center for the greatest good, with the intention of giving life to life.

8. The eighth and final energy center is slightly different from the previous. This time place your attention in the eighth energy center (about 16 inches—40 centimeters—above your head). As an awareness, aware that you are aware in the blackness of space above your head in space, tune your attention to the energy of space that this center occupies in space. Once you can sense the space that this energy center occupies in space, tune in to its frequency, and bless that center for the greatest good, with the intention of giving life to life. The only emotion I want you to bless this center with is gratitude, appreciation, or thankfulness, because gratitude is the ultimate state of receivership. This will allow energy that carries new information from the quantum field to enter your nervous system.

9.  Finally, the last step of this meditation is to open your focus, become aware of the space around your body in space, and place your attention on the vital energy surrounding your entire body, building a new field of energy. Since where you place your attention is where you place your energy, as you begin to surround your body with your awareness, you are creating your own field of consciousness and coherent energy around it so that all your atoms, molecules, chemicals, cells, tissues, organs, and systems will draw from a new field of electromagnetic energy.

10.  Once you’ve completed this step, lie down for at least 15 minutes or so. You don’t have to do anything specific during this time—all I want you to do is lie down. If you fall asleep, that’s fine. Just relax and surrender and let your autonomic nervous system take the orders so it can integrate all of this information into your body.

11. Then, slowly bring your awareness back to a new body, to a new environment, and to a whole new time. When you’re ready, you can open your eyes and come back to the world of your senses in this dimension of space and time.

Blessing of the Energy Centers Guided Meditation Available for Purchase

Chapter 5:

Reconditioning the Body to a New Mind Meditation Instructions


This meditation occurs in two parts. As with previous meditations, here are the basic instructions:

  • I recommend you listen to two different types of music while you do this meditation because it’s divided into two parts. The first part of the meditation is the breath. It should be done with a passion and intensity to move energy from your body into your brain. Select one song that’s between four and seven minutes long. I’d like you to choose music that truly inspires you to raise your energy. As you listen, it’s important to interpret the music as the movement of energy.
  • The second part of the meditation requires you to open your focus, and then afterward reconditioning your body to a new mind. The best type of music is without vocals, and I prefer it to be slow and trancing. Feel free to use your own; otherwise, here is my list of suggested music.
  • Find a quiet and secluded place. You may want to use an eye mask to eliminate as much light as possible.
  • This is a seated meditation, so make sure you’re sitting up either in a chair that is comfortable or seated on the floor with legs crossed and a pillow under your hips. Your back should be straight.


Part 1

1. When the music starts, begin to feel inspired and passionate about freeing yourself from the past and liberating energy into the field around your body. When you’re ready and you feel that level of intensity, slowly inhale through your nose and at the exact same time contract your intrinsic muscles (perineum, lower abdomen, and upper abdomen). With the intention of pulling the mind out of the body, follow your breath from your perineum through your lower abdomen, through your upper abdomen, through your chest, through your throat, through your brain, all the way to the top of your head. Once it reaches the top of your head, keep your attention at the top of your head, keep your intrinsic muscles contracted, and hold your breath for five seconds. With your awareness, follow the energy to the top of your head and hold it there. Let the energy build as it moves to the top of your head. Exhale, relax, and feel. Pause for five to ten seconds and do it again. Keep repeating the process for the entire song. Don’t think. Don’t analyze. Don’t resist. Simply use your body as an instrument of consciousness to ascend your energy.


Part 2

1.  As the music changes, it’s time to open your focus. Start by becoming aware of the infinite, vast space way out behind your eyes in this eternal black space. Become aware of how deep the blackness goes into endless space. Next, rest your attention in different parts of your body, as well as the space around those parts of your body. Then I want you to become aware of the space in the center of your head in this infinite black space. Next, become aware of the space between the back of your throat and the back of your head in this eternal black space; then become aware of the vastness of space around your head in space. Feel it all around your head in this endless black space. With each of these, take your time and feel it, become aware of it, and stay present with it. Next, become aware of the space in the center of your throat in this endless black void, followed by the space beyond your throat and around your neck in space. Then become aware of the space in the center of your chest, resting your awareness there for a few moments to anchor your attention there. From there, move your attention to the space around your body in this eternal vast space; then become aware of the space that your perineum occupies in space and keep your attention there, staying present with it for a few minutes. Next, feel the space around your hips in this endless black space. Again, with each movement of focus, take your time to really feel it and become aware of it. Then I want you to become aware of how vast the black space is. Become aware that it is the size of the room that you’re in, in space. Then extend your awareness to the vastness of space beyond the room in space.

2. Next it’s time to become no body, no one, no thing, no where, in no time; to become pure consciousness and to unfold as an awareness into this infinite black space and endless field where all possibilities exist. This means you have to take your attention off of your body, the people in your life, the things you own, and the places you have to go—even where you happen to be sitting. To do this means you’re getting beyond linear time—beyond thinking about the predictable future or remembering the familiar past. I recommend that you practice moving beyond space and time for at least 10 to 15 minutes in this meditation. You may want to set an alarm to remind you to move to the next step.

3.  As you keep investing your attention and your energy into the unknown, the longer you linger in the unknown, the more you create possibilities in your life. It’s time to go deeper into the void and to trust in the unknown. To lose yourself in nothing is to become everything. If you get distracted, simply return to the present moment and unfold back into possibility. Every time you return to the present moment, you are reconditioning your body to a new mind and executing a will that is becoming greater than your automatic unconscious programs. Do this for about 10 to 15 minutes. You might want to set an alarm to remind you move to the next step.

4.  Next, it’s time for you to cultivate several elevated emotions—one by one—and your task here is to feel as deeply, richly, and completely as you can, emotionally rehearsing each one. Some emotions you may want to consider rehearsing include: courage/fearlessness, inspiration/empowered by a thought, divinity/moved by the spirit, adventure/trusting in the unknown, passion/falling in love with life, nobility/honor, invincibility/an uncompromising will, genius/an unlimited mind, abundance/worthy to receive, freedom/liberation, mystical/being in awe of the moment, the miraculous/the feeling of doing the uncommon, and the unknown/expecting the unexpected. The more powerful your feelings, the more you are upregulating your own genes. If you truly can change your state from fear to courage, from pain and suffering to joy, and/or from anger to compassion, not only will you change your emotional state, but you will also begin to signal new genes and change your body. Take your time and feel each one of these emotions for about 1 to 2 minutes before you move to the next one.

5.   Next, take your left hand and place it over your heart, and bless your body with a new mind. Your body is your temple, so I want you to bless it and love it into life. Bless your life that it be an extension of your mind, giving new life to your life. Bless your soul that it wake you up from this dream. Bless your past that it turn into wisdom, and bless your future that it be filled with opportunity and adventure. Bless the challenges in your life that they initiate you into greatness. Bless the divine in you, the power within you, and ask it to move in you, through you, and all around you. Invite the divine to move in you, to move through you, and move all around you and to show evidence in your life that it is real.

6.  It’s time to finish in a state of gratitude. If your thought sends the signal out and your feeling draws the event back to you, it’s time to open your heart and give thanks for a new life before it’s made manifest. The longer you feel gratitude, the more you’re drawing your new future to you because gratitude means it has already happened. Gratitude is the ultimate state of receivership.

7.  Slowly bring your awareness back to a new body, to a new environment, and to a whole new time. When you’re ready you can open your eyes and come back to the world of dimension in this space and time.

Reconditioning the Body to a New Mind Guided Meditation for Purchase

Chapter 7:

Heart Coherence Meditation Instructions.

The purpose of locking into the heart center is to amplify the power of your heart and the power of love. When you do this correctly, it should bring your heart and brain, and thus your body, into a state of mental, physical, emotional, energetic, and spiritual coherence. For more information about heart coherence and the heart lock, you can visit the HeartMath Institute’s website at The instructions that I give below are not the same as the HeartMath Institute’s instructions; however, they are close. I have modified my version based on our community and our specific meditation techniques.


  • I recommend you listen to music while you do all your meditations. The best type of music is music without vocals, and I prefer the type of sound that is slow and trancing. It’s best to use music that stops you from thinking and that doesn’t evoke past memories. Feel free to use your own music; otherwise, here is my list of suggested music.
  • Find a quiet and secluded place. You may want to use an eye mask to eliminate as much light as possible.
  • This is a seated meditation, so make sure you’re sitting up either in a chair that is comfortable or seated on the floor with legs crossed and a pillow under your hips. Your back should be straight.


1. Anchor your attention: With your eyes closed, start by resting your attention in the space in the center of your chest in space. Where you place your attention is where you place your energy. By doing this, you’re acknowledging your connection to the unified field. Keep your awareness there for at least 2 to 3 minutes.

2. Breath: As you rest your attention in the center of your chest in space, allow your breath to flow in and flow out through this center. Stay present with each breath. Allow your breath to be slower, deeper, and more relaxed. Work with your body so that it knows it is safe to breathe. If your mind wanders, return your attention back to this process. Do this about 2 to 3 minutes.

3. Feel: Next, while you rest your attention in your fourth center, let yourself bring up an elevated emotion like kindness, care, appreciation, gratitude, and thankfulness. Let yourself feel these elevated emotions while continuing to breathe in and out of your heart center. Do this for about 3 to 4 minutes while sustaining that elevated state.

4. Radiate: Once you feel these elevated emotions with your heart, radiate that energy out beyond your body in space. Become aware that this energy is within you and all around you and simply feel it. Tune in to this energy with your heart.

5. Marry that energy with an intention: For example, you can radiate the thought or intention that your body is healed, your day is filled with synchronicities, or your new future moves closer to you. Continue to broadcast that energy and intention all around you.

6. Finally, slowly bring your awareness back to a new body, to a new environment, and to a whole new time. Then you can open your eyes and come back to the world of the senses in this space and time.

Chapter 8:

Kaleidoscope and Mind Movie Meditation Instructions


Here are some basic instructions for the meditation:

  • I recommend you create a Mind Movie before this meditation so you can begin to integrate your Mind Movies with the kaleidoscope video during meditation. As you know, Mind Movies serve to help you get clear on the future you want to create, and at the same time help you to reprogram your subconscious mind into a new destiny. Your personalized Mind Movie with your favorite song is the perfect ingredient for you to raise your energy, and therefore fall in love with your new future.
  • For more information about how to construct your personal Mind Movie, you can visit their website at:
  • SPECIAL MIND MOVIES PRICE FOR PURCHASING BECOMING SUPERNATURAL:  Take nearly 75% off the regular retail price of $197 –  Click on this link to take advantage of the special price of only $49.95 (for a limited time.)


1.  Start with your eyes closed and rest your attention in the space in the center of your chest. Where you place your attention is where you place your energy. By doing this, you’re acknowledging your connection to the unified field. Keep your awareness there for at least 2 to 3 minutes.

2. As you rest your attention in the center of your chest in space, allow your breath to flow in and flow out through this center. Stay present with each breath. Breathe slower, deeper, and more relaxed. Work with your body so that it knows it is safe to breathe. If your mind wanders, return your attention back to this process. Do this for about 1 to 2 minutes.

3. Next, while you rest your attention in your fourth center, let yourself bring up an elevated emotion like gratitude, appreciation, kindness, care, or thankfulness. Let yourself feel these emotions of expansion while continuing to breathe in and out of your heart center. Feel these emotions for about 3 to 4 minutes.

4. Once you feel these elevated emotions radiating from within your chest, send that energy out beyond your body in space. Become aware that this energy is within you and all around you and feel.

5. Now marry that energy with an intention—like images from scenes in your Mind Movie. Continue to broadcast that energy and those intentions all around you. Radiate that energy beyond your body into space—the longer you are conscious of the energy in and all around you, the more you are connecting with the emotions and energy of your future, as well as activating your creative center, which is your connection to the unified field. Do this for 8 to 10 minutes.

6. Next, it’s time to become no body, no one, no thing, no where, in no time—to become pure consciousness and to unfold as an awareness into this infinite black space and endless field where all possibilities exist. This means you need to take your attention off your body, the people in your life, the things you own, and the places you have to go—even where you happen to be sitting. To do this means you’re getting beyond linear time—beyond thinking about the predictable future or remembering the familiar past. I recommend that you practice moving beyond space and time for at least 5 to 10 minutes in this meditation. You may want to set an alarm to remind you to move to the next step.

7. Once you’ve found and unfolded into the present moment, it’s time to open your eyes and stare into the kaleidoscope for about 8 minutes. I suggest that you open your focus and become aware of the space around your body in space as you gaze into the center of the kaleidoscope. Completely relax your body, allowing it to feel like it’s going to fall asleep, while keeping your mind awake. Resist the urge to close your eyes. Don’t think, don’t analyze, and don’t move.

8. Once in trance, switch to your Mind Movie, whether it’s on your computer, tablet, or smartphone. You’re going to do this for about 8 minutes. While duration times can vary according to how you’re feeling, I suggest using them as follows:

  • Stare into the kaleidoscope for 8 minutes.
  • Watch your Mind Movie for 8 minutes.
  • Finally, watch the kaleidoscope while listening to the music from your Mind Movie for 7 minutes.
  • If you choose, you can lie down when you are finished, or simply break from your session and return to normal awareness in the beta brain wave state. If you chose the latter, I suggest you take a few minutes to ground yourself back to wakefulness before you do anything that requires narrow-focused attention, like driving your car or operating machinery.
  • If you decide to lie down for 10 minutes or so, when you are ready you can slowly bring your awareness back to a new body, to a new environment, and to a whole new time. Then you can open your eyes and come back to the world of your senses in this dimension of space and time.

Note: Whether or not you use the Mind Movie and meditation in tandem, you should try to watch your Mind Movie at least once either as soon as you get up or right before you go to bed.

Chapter 9:   

Walking Meditation Instructions


  • There are two types of music that I recommend you listen to for this meditation. The first selection should be trance music—music without lyrics, to induce a trance state. Each time you do the standing part of this meditation and you are still, I prefer that you choose the same type of music as you would for the heart-centered meditation. In fact, it is the same meditation. The only difference is that you are standing up instead of sitting down.
  • The second kind of music should be more upbeat. Once again, I recommend that you choose music without lyrics. I like songs with a drum beat that are inspiring and can raise your energy. Use this type of music when you are walking as your future self—remembering your future.
  • You will have to mix the music yourself and adjust the timing of both genres in order to match the instructions below.
  • Lastly, I recommend that you use ear buds that are plugged into a mobile device, like a smartphone or iPod. This will be much a more effective tool in keeping you immersed in the meditation and allow you to be less distracted.


1. Start by standing still with your eyes closed. Next, rest your attention in the space in the center of your chest in space. Where you place your attention is where you place your energy. By doing this, you’re acknowledging your connection to the unified field. Keep your awareness there for at least 2 to 3 minutes.

2. As you rest your attention in the center of your chest in space, allow your breath to flow in and flow out through this center. Stay present with each breath. Breathe slower, deeper, and more relaxed. Work with your body so that it knows it is safe to breathe. If your mind wanders, return your attention back to this process. Do this for about 1 to 2 minutes.

3. Next, while you rest your attention in your fourth center, let yourself bring up an elevated emotion like inspiration, gratitude, or joy. Let yourself feel these emotions with your heart while continuing to breathe in and out through the center of your chest. Do this for 3 to 4 minutes.

4. Once you feel these elevated emotions with your heart, send that energy out beyond your body in space. Become aware that this energy is within you and all around you— Do this for about 3 to 4 minutes.

5. Marry that energy with an intention—like images from scenes in your Mind Movie. Continue to broadcast that energy and those intentions all around you. Radiate that energy beyond your body into space—the longer you are conscious of the energy in and all around you, the more you are connecting with the emotions and energy of your future and activating your creative center, which is your connection to the unified field. This is how you change your energy field surrounding your body—by raising your frequency to the vibrational match of your new life. While standing, stay present with that energy and feel it. Become aware of it both within you and all around you. Tune in to the energy of your future. Do this for 5 minutes.

6. Next, open your eyes and without looking at anything or anyone, open your focus and keep your awareness on the space around your body in space while maintaining a trance state. Begin walking with your eyes open while you stay entranced. With each step you take, I want you to embody that new energy—that new frequency of whatever you’re creating in your future. Walk as your new self with intention and an open heart. With each step, become that person in your future by moving into a new state of being and broadcasting that energy into the field around your body in space. Keep your awareness on that energy as you walk. Embody that energy and feel it. This is how you begin to teach your body emotionally what that future feels like. Really feel it in your body. Now remember your future. What do you know about yourself and your life? How do you think in the future? What choices have you made to get you where you will be? What things have you done? What experiences have you created? Remember your future as if it is your past by recalling what you have become, what you have in your life, and who you have in your life. Let the images come, as they are your future memories. Feel them. Embody them. Own them. Become them. Remind yourself of who you are in your future in that present moment and let your body respond to a new mind. Continue to walk for about 10 minutes.

7. Stop to recalibrate. Once again, close your eyes and raise your energy by opening your heart and creating heart coherence. The more you feel the energy of your future, the more you’re drawing your new life to you. Stay present with this energy for about 5 to 10 minutes. Once again, tune into the energy of your future, forgetting about your body, your outer world, and time, all the while letting this energy wash over and consume you. The longer your consciousness remains in this energy, the more you are drawing your future to you.

8. Next, for another 10 minutes, with your eyes open in trance, walk again with intent and purpose as your future self. With each step you take, embodying this new energy, you move closer to your destiny and it moves closer to you.

9. When you finish the second round, stop and stand still one last time, really focusing on how you feel with your fourth energy center open. You can use this opportunity to affirm who you are based on how you feel. For example, if you’re feeling unlimited, you can literally say, “I am unlimited.” Now you’re commanding your mind and body to your new destiny.

10. Place your hand over your heart—acknowledging this sacred place from where all things are created. Be willing to feel worthy enough to receive what you have created. Raise your energy to its zenith and feel gratitude, appreciation, and thankfulness. Know that you are unlimited, magnificent, and empowered, and feel it. And don’t forget to smile.

11. Next, surrender your creation to a greater mind, trusting that it will organize your future in a way that is perfect for you.

12. Then give thanks for a new life before it’s made manifest. Simply feel immense gratitude for all that you’ve created. Know that the longer you linger in gratitude, the more you draw your new life to you, for the emotional signature of gratitude means it has already happened. After all, gratitude is the ultimate state of receivership.

13. Finally, as you celebrate your new life, it’s time to acknowledge the power within. Ask it to move in you, through you, and all around you, and to show evidence in your life that it’s real. Ask that your life be filled with unexpected synchronicities and coincidences that create a joy for existence. Radiate your love for your new life into existence.

14. When you are ready, you can slowly bring your awareness back to a new body, to a new environment, and to a whole new time. Then you can open your eyes and come back to the world of the senses in this dimension of space and time.

Guided Walking Meditation Available for Purchase

Chapter 11:

Space-Time, Time-Space Meditation Instructions


  • Find a quiet and secluded place. You may want to use an eye mask to eliminate as much light as possible.
  • This is a seated meditation, so make sure you’re sitting up either in a chair that is comfortable or seated on the floor with legs crossed and a pillow under your hips. Your back should be straight.
  • I recommend you listen tor three different types of music while you do this meditation because it’s divided into two three The first part of the meditation is the Heart Coherence exercise.
  • The second part is the breathing exercises which should be done with a passion and intensity to move energy from your body into your brain. Select one song that’s between four and seven minutes long. I’d like you to choose music that truly inspires you to raise your energy. As you listen, it’s important to interpret the music as the movement of energy.
  • The third part of the meditation requires you to open your focus, and then (unfold as an awareness into the infinite black space of the Unified Field.)  The best type of music is without vocals, and I prefer it to be slow and trancing. Feel free to use your own; otherwise, here is my list of suggested music.

Find a quiet and secluded place. You may want to use an eye mask to eliminate as much light as possible.


1. Begin by closing your eyes.

2. Start resting your attention in the space in the center of your chest in space. Where you place your attention is where you place your energy. By doing this, you’re acknowledging your connection to the unified field. This is the center of wholeness, oneness, creativity, and love. Keep your awareness there for at least 2 to 3 minutes.

3. As you rest your attention in the center of your chest in space, allow your breath to flow in and out through this center. Stay present with each breath. Breathe slower, deeper, and more relaxed. Work with your body so that it knows it is safe to breathe.  As you change your breath by breathing slower and more deeply, your brain waves slow down as well. If your mind wanders, return your attention back to this process. Do this step for about 1 to 2 minutes.

4. Next, while you rest your attention in your fourth center, let yourself bring up an elevated emotion such as love, joy, or gratitude. Let yourself feel these emotions of expansion, while continuing to breathe in and out of your heart center. This is to raise your energy—the higher the emotion, the higher the energy you’ll produce. All you have to do is sustain this feeling for a period of time while paying attention to your breathing. Do this step for about 3 to 4 minutes.

5. Once you are fully immersed in that emotion, radiate that energy beyond your body in space. Become aware that this energy is within you and all around you—

6. Marry that energy with a personal intention—in this case, your intention might be to connect with the unified field or for you to move beyond space and time during this meditation. Continue to broadcast that energy and your intention into the space all around you. Radiate that energy beyond your body—the longer you are conscious of the energy in and all around you, the more you are connecting with the emotions and energy of your future. By activating your creative center, which is your connection to the unified field, you are changing your energy. Do this meditation exercise for a total of 10 minutes.

7. Next, using any song that inspires you to pull the mind out of the body, use the body as an instrument of consciousness to ascend your energy as you learned with the meditation in the Reconditioning the Body to a New Mind Meditation. Find your own rhythm and cadence, and do it without analyzing or thinking. Your breath is your intention to transform and free yourself from the past. This should begin to cause the body to awaken, and that energy should begin to travel to your brain.

8. It’s now time to become pure consciousness—to go from the consciousness of some body, some one, some thing, some where, in some time, to the consciousness of no body, no one, no thing, no where, in no time. The total time to do this part should be about 10 to 20 minutes.

9. As you find the present moment by taking your attention off matter, objects, things, people, places, your body, your pain, your identity, the past and future, and so on, unfold as an awareness into this infinite black space. Now you’re at the nexus of the quantum field. Simply become aware that you’re aware in this infinite black space. The longer you invest in this unknown, the more you create an unknown experience or new possibilities in your life. Do this for 10 to 15 minutes.

10. Next, it’s time to go from the consciousness of no body, no one, no thing, no where, in no time to the consciousness of every one, every body, every thing, every where, in every time. It’s time as a consciousness to unify with a greater consciousness—with the unified field. All you have to do is—as a consciousness—become aware of this field, pay attention to it, stay present with it, feel it, and experience it moment by moment with your awareness. The more you do this, the more it should change you. As you feel that intelligent love and loving intelligence—that energy that is beyond duality, matter, and visible light—it should cause you to feel more wholeness and oneness.

11. For about 10 to 20 minutes, pay attention to the unified field, become aware of it, feel it, stay present with it, experience it, surrender and/or unfold deeper into it, and do this over and over. The longer you can feel and experience this moment by moment, the greater you will move toward it.

12. When you are done, you can lie down and rest for 10 minutes or you can simply open your eyes and come back to wakefulness. Either way, when you’re done it’s time to bring your awareness back to a new body, to a new environment, and to a whole new time.

Space-Time, Time-Space Guided Meditation Available for Purchase

Chapter 12:

The Pineal Gland Meditation: Tuning In to Higher Dimensions of Time and Space Meditation Instructions


Here are some basic instructions for this mediation:

  • I recommend you listen to music while you do all your meditations. The best type of music is music without vocals, and I prefer the type of sound that is slow and trancing. It’s best to use music that stops you from thinking and that doesn’t evoke past memories. Feel free to use your own music; otherwise, here is a list of my suggested music.
  • Find a quiet and secluded place. You may want to use an eye mask to eliminate as much light as possible.
  • This is a seated meditation. Make sure you’re sitting up either in a chair that is comfortable or seated on the floor with legs crossed and a pillow under your hips. Your back should be straight.
  • You will be need two types of music for this meditation. First you will need slow trancing songs without lyrics for the heart-centered meditation and the Blessing of the Energy Centers Meditation. Next, I want you to be prepared to use a song that you can use for the breathing piece of this meditation that will inspire you to move energy into your brain. Finally, you will need another few trance songs for lying down and for activating the pineal gland.


1. To begin this meditation, start by activating your heart center for one song. Start with your eyes closed and rest your attention in the space in the center of your chest in space. Where you place your attention is where you place your energy. Doing this means you’re acknowledging your connection to the unified field. Keep your awareness there for at least 2 to 3 minutes.

2. As you rest your attention in the center of your chest in space, allow your breath to flow in and out through this center. Stay present with each breath. Breathe slower, deeper, and more relaxed. Work with your body so that it knows it is safe to breathe. If your mind wanders, return your attention back to this process. Do this for 1 to 2 minutes.

3. Next, while you rest your attention in your fourth center, let yourself bring up some elevated emotions. Let yourself feel these emotions of expansion while continuing to breathe in and out of your heart center. Do this for 3 to 4 minutes.

4. Once you feel these elevated emotions within your chest or body, send that energy out beyond your body in space. Become aware that this energy is within you and all around you and feel. Marry that energy with an intention—like the thought that you are open to a mystical experience that will change you forever, or that you move to the realm of Time-Space. Continue to broadcast that energy and those intentions all around you. This sets your intention of why you are doing this meditation in the first place. Radiate that energy beyond your body into space—the longer you are conscious of the energy in and all around you, the more you are connecting with the emotions and energy of your future and activating your creative center, which is your connection to the unified field. Do this for 10 minutes.

5. Now you’ll begin to bless your energy centers, starting with the first one. You’re going to bless the first energy center by resting your attention first in the space of this energy center, then in the space around it, and then you will tune in to its energy or frequency both within you and all around you.

6. Next, move on to the second center and do the same thing—rest your attention in the space of this center, then the space around it, and tune in to its energy within you and all around you. Blessing each energy center should take about 3 to 4 minutes.

7. Before you move on to the third center, however, you are going to focus your attention on the first and second center at the same time. As you focus on them together rather than individually, you are attuning and aligning them together.

8. You’re going to continue this process with each energy center, aligning all these energy centers with your attention. For example, when you are finished blessing the third energy center, you will anchor your attention on the first three centers and feel them all at the same time. Then move to the fourth. Before you shift your attention to the fifth energy center, you will align the first four energy centers all at once—all the way up to the eighth energy center and then on to the field around your entire body. This should take about 40 to 45 minutes.

9. Then you’re going to lie down for 10 to 20 minutes and let your autonomic nervous system take the orders to balance the body.

10. Next, you’re going to sit up and do the breath, bringing that energy all the way up to the top of your head into your brain. Once that energy reaches your brain, you are going to keep your intrinsic muscles contracted while holding your breath—compressing the tiny calcite crystals of the pineal gland. As you hold it and squeeze, you are exerting a mechanical stress against those crystals, which is going to create a piezoelectric effect. The mechanical stress you create by increasing intrathecal pressure against those crystals is going to activate an electric signal in the pineal gland, which will produce an electromagnetic field in your sixth center.

11. When you’re done with the breath, you’re going to activate the pineal gland in one final way. I want you to locate that gland in the sixth center and rest your attention there—between the back of your throat and the back of your head in space. By placing your attention there, you are placing your energy there. This is your target, and when you tune in to it with your awareness, you will feel its energy. Keep your attention there for about 5 minutes.

12. Next, as a thought, an awareness, or a consciousness, I want you to get really tiny and move into the chamber of the pineal gland—entering the room inside that pinecone shaped gland—sense the space of that room, in the center of this organ, in the blackness of space. Now you’re inside the pineal gland, sensing its walls and its dimensions. You should be able to do that because you can sense the space any room is in in space—you’ve been practicing it for quite a while. This is just advancing that practice to this next level. If your consciousness is there, then you are bringing more energy to that center. If you can sense this space, you’re now coordinating a point, and you’re inside of it. You’ll linger there for about 5 minutes.

13. Now it’s time to activate the pineal gland by radiating an elevated frequency beyond the boundaries of the walls of the room of this gland and into space. When you do this, it’s time to feel unlimited. You’re going to radiate your energy beyond that room into the big black space, and the longer you raise that frequency, the more you’re changing the pineal gland’s chemistry. Once you raise the energy, since you know all energy is frequency and all frequency carries information, I want you to hold the intention that this gland become activated and release its sacred metabolites for the mystical experience. All I want you to do is radiate that intent, which you should be able to do by now if you’ve been practicing. By raising your frequency and holding the thought for it to be activated, you activate the gland. Do this for another 5 minutes.

14. For the last part, while your attention is on the back of your head and you’re inside the chamber of the gland, I want you to open up, tune in to the energy beyond your head in that vast eternal black space, and just receive. The longer you’re conscious of this energy, and the more you can receive that frequency, the more you are altering and upgrading melatonin to its radical metabolites. Now you’re programming its chemistry. Don’t expect anything to happen, don’t try to anticipate—just keep tuning in and receiving its energy by staying aware of it.

15. After you’re done, you’re going to lie down again and surrender for about 15 to 20 minutes, letting the subconscious mind take over as you drift off to sleep. Now you have primed your brain for the mystical. You may want to set an alarm.

16. Finally, when you are ready, bring your awareness back to a new body, a new environment, and a whole new time. Come back to the world of the senses and open your eyes.

The Pineal Gland Guided Meditation Available for Purchase

Chapter 13:

Project Coherence Meditation Instructions

Here are some basic instructions before getting started:

  • I recommend you listen to music while you do all your meditations. The best type of music is music without vocals, and I prefer the type of sound that is slow and trancing. It’s best to use music that stops you from thinking and that doesn’t evoke past memories. Feel free to use your own; otherwise, here is my list of suggested music.
  • Find a quiet and secluded place. You may want to use an eye mask to eliminate as much light as possible.
  • This is a seated meditation, so make sure you’re sitting up either in a chair that is comfortable or seated on the floor with legs crossed and a pillow under your hips. Your back should be straight.


1. With your eyes closed, start by acknowledging your heart center. With sublime focus and awareness, I want you to lock in to that center of wholeness and oneness—the center that is our divine connection to the unified field. When you feel like you are locked in, I want you to elevate your emotions to the love for life, unity, wholeness, and healing. As you rest your attention in your heart center and feel the heart-centered emotions, open your focus and radiate that energy from your heart into space. Do this for about 5 to 10 minutes.

2. Next, become no body, no one, no thing, no where, in no time—become pure consciousness and unfold as an awareness into this infinite black space and endless unified field where all possibilities exist. That means taking your attention off your body, the people in your life, the things you own, the places you have to go—even where you happen to be sitting. To do this means you’re getting beyond linear time—beyond thinking about the predictable future or remembering the familiar past. Do this for at least 5 minutes in this meditation. You may want to set an alarm to remind you to move on to the next step.

3. After you open your focus, move as a thought and an awareness into the center of the Earth and radiate your light beyond the Earth in space. All I want you to do is raise your frequency and hold on to that emotion.

4. Next, as a consciousness and awareness, slowly move away from the Earth, seeing it separate from you from within your heart. Now take the Earth—as a thought—and place her in your heart, holding the intention to heal her by feeling love, compassion, kindness, care, and/or wholeness. As you hold the entire planet in your heart, I want you to raise the frequency of the Earth by changing your energy by moving into a new state of being, and I want you to broadcast that energy beyond your body in space. Radiate your love into the Earth while you hold her in your heart. Do this for about 5 to 10 minutes.

5. Finally, when you are ready, bring your awareness back to a new body, a new environment, and a whole new time. Open your eyes and come back to the world of the senses.

Starts with heart coherence, next breath, then meditation, finishes with optional laydown.

Project Coherence Guided Meditation Available for Purchase